Introducing: How to Hochschule VOICES

Show notes

Introducing "Hochschule VOICES" - a new spin-off series from the How to Hochschule team. As a mid-monthly bonus feature to the main podcast, you can now listen to full-length interviews and stand-alone stories. Additionally, VOICES will showcase a collection of interviews in German with the people of Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kleve, Kamp-Lintfort, and the wider lower Rhine region.

In this trailer we catch up with Norman Körber, first year student from Germany studying Sustainable Tourism at HSRW. As a new student who grew up locally Norman shares his unique perspective and experience of starting at our international university.

Related links: Sustainable Tourism, Degree Programmes

Show transcript

00:00:00: Stephan Hanf: Welcome to How to Hochschule Voices, the newest spinoff series from the How to Hochschule team. In this mid-month bonus feature to the main podcast, you get the chance to listen to full land interviews and standalone stories, as well as a collection of interviews in German with people from the Hochschule Rhein-Waal the people of Kleve, Kamp-Lintford and the wider lower Rhine region.

00:00:31: Stephan Hanf: And here's the best part. Today's episode is the perfect tool to put your German listening skills to the test. Whether you're a more advanced speaker or just starting to learn a language, you'll find something to enjoy. In our upcoming episode, in our very first episode of Voices, we catch up with Norman Kaba, our first year student who was featured in the very first episode of How to Hochschule.

00:00:55: Stephan Hanf: When we last spoke, you were at the beginning of your um, test phase? Is that even a real word, uh, in German its Klausurphase exam phase?

00:01:05: Norman Körber: Maybe.

00:01:05: Stephan Hanf: So you, you were at the beginning of your exams and now you have written some of them, right?

00:01:11: Norman Körber: Yes. All of them.

00:01:12: Stephan Hanf: All of them. So, um, how, how are you feeling right now?

00:01:15: Norman Körber: Depends on the subject. I mean, in some subjects, I even got the grade back, that's 2.0 and 2.3. That's in general pretty good. But some subjects like math, for example, I tend to believe that I didn't make it.

00:01:29: Stephan Hanf: Huh.

00:01:29: Norman Körber: But there's always a little hope. Yeah.

00:01:31: Stephan Hanf: That's interesting. Make sure to tune into our next episode because we are exploring the topic of how to study. And if you are someone who struggled with math, trust us, you're not alone. But for now, uh, let's switch gears. Yeah. This episode of Voices is conducted entirely in German. But, uh, fear not, an English transcription is available on the How to Hochschule website. Norman interviews, Dr. Claudio Abels, the very first graduate of the Hochschule Rhein Waal about his experience studying at a university that was still in its infancy. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us at .Be sure to check out our show notes for links and more information about today's topics and guests. I'm Stephan Hanf and this is the How to Hochschule Voices podcast.

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